Case Study - Empowering PT. Kotaminyak Internusa with a Unified CRM and Unique Web Presence

Development of PT. Kotaminyak Internusa's CRM & Company Profile

PT. Kotaminyak Internusa
Web development, UI/UX Design, Maintenance, CMS


In the ever-evolving landscape of business, establishing strong customer relationships and presenting a unique online presence are paramount. Our team had the privilege of working with PT. Kotaminyak Internusa to create a dynamic, web-based solution that combined both aspects: a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system and a uniquely designed Company Profile website.

The Challenge

PT. Kotaminyak Internusa, a forward-thinking organization, recognized the need for a comprehensive CRM system to streamline their customer interactions. They also sought to differentiate themselves through an exceptional online presence. Our challenge was to provide them with a unified solution that addressed both requirements seamlessly.

Our Approach

CRM Development:

Requirements Analysis: We began by conducting an in-depth analysis of PT. Kotaminyak Internusa's existing customer management processes. We collaborated closely with their team to understand their specific needs, pain points, and growth objectives.

Customized Solution: Leveraging our expertise in web development, we designed and implemented a tailored CRM system. This system not only organized customer data efficiently but also automated various tasks, enabling the client to focus more on building relationships.

Integration: To enhance productivity, we integrated the CRM system with other tools and platforms used by the company. This ensured seamless data flow and minimized manual data entry.

Company Profile Website:

Unique Design Concept: We understood that PT. Kotaminyak Internusa wanted a website that stood out in their industry. Our design team crafted a visually captivating and user-friendly website that showcased the company's values and services.

Responsive Design: In today's mobile-centric world, we ensured that the website was fully responsive, providing an optimal viewing experience across various devices and screen sizes.

Engaging Content: Content is key to conveying a company's identity. We worked closely with the client to create compelling content that told their story, highlighted their achievements, and presented their services.

The Outcome

Our collaboration with PT. Kotaminyak Internusa resulted in a transformative solution:

Efficient CRM: The CRM system we developed streamlined customer interactions, improving response times and enhancing overall customer satisfaction. It allowed PT. Kotaminyak Internusa to manage their client relationships more effectively.

Unique Web Presence: The company's new website became a showcase of their identity. Its striking design and engaging content left a lasting impression on visitors and set them apart in a competitive industry.

Growth and Scalability: With a solid CRM foundation and an appealing online presence, PT. Kotaminyak Internusa was well-equipped to scale their operations and attract new business opportunities.


Our partnership with PT. Kotaminyak Internusa exemplifies how the fusion of a robust CRM system and a uniquely designed Company Profile website can elevate a company's operations and market presence. The success of this project underscores our commitment to delivering tailored solutions that empower our clients for sustained growth and success.

If you're seeking a similar transformation for your business, we're ready to collaborate and help you achieve your goals. Contact us today to explore the possibilities.

What we did

  • Web Development
  • UI/UX Design
  • Laravel
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Custom CMS
  • SEO
  • Infrastructure
  • Maintenance

Working with Meduru, we felt more like a partner than a customer. They really resonated with our needs to digitalizes our work flow.

Rose Maria, Sales Lead
Page load times
Efficient sales work
For Director to check the progress

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Our contact

  • Technical Consultant
    [email protected]
    Bahasa Indonesia, English
  • Creative Consultant
    [email protected]
    Bahasa Indonesia, English
  • Translator
    We provide a translator if your language is not supported.
  • Address
    Pinang, Tangerang, Indonesia